This is a collection of plugins and effects created by Tone2 a company from Italy. Tone2's primary focus is to develop innovative audio plugins for the world of music production. Sound designer Tone2 has released several bundles for Windows and Mac platforms such as Tone2 Complete Bundle v2013 (Windows) and Tone2 Complete Bundle v2013 (Mac OSX). Tone2 v2013 is a rebranding for Tone2 Complete Bundle v2013 and the bundle includes all VST and AU plugins that were made by Tone2.
Category:Music production softwareQ:
Why does Java's Integer type return -2147483648?
I am working with a library that uses the Integer.MIN_VALUE as a sentinel value, rather than -2147483648, as returned by Integer.MIN_VALUE. This is causing some of my integer math to return negative values. I am wondering if there is a reason for this, because I could not find any.
Integer.MIN_VALUE is defined as 2^31 - 1. The max value a signed 32-bit int can hold is 2^31, but 2^31 - 1 is only available as a long.
You should be able to cast from long to int.
If you look in the API for the methods of Integer and its superclass, you will see that MIN_VALUE is defined in the Integer class as follows
public static final int MIN_VALUE = -Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Actually I've made some tests and found out that -2147483648 is the default value of the static variable called MIN_VALUE
public static final int MIN_VALUE = -2147483648;
To use MIN_VALUE as a sentinel value, you should cast it as follows:
int i = (int)MIN_VALUE;
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